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Being involved in a car accident is the last thing any person wants to go through. However, accidents happen every day to thousands of people, and as with many things in life, we sometimes cannot control what happens to us. Most of us drive with safety in mind, but with the rising number of accidents and injuries occurring each year due to distracted driving and other forms of carelessness, a car accident can happen to anyone—no matter how careful a driver.

Nampa car accidents may cause injuries that could result in lifestyle changes or permanent lifelong disabilities, affecting the physical, psychological, and financial future of you and your family. The legal representation of a Nampa car accident lawyer from Craig Swapp & Associates can be crucial in obtaining  the financial compensation you are owed by those at fault.


When Can I File a Claim for a Nampa Car Accident?

Nampa car accidents can cause a wide variety of injuries, from minor cuts and bruises to major injuries to your spine and brain. Recovering compensatory damages is complex, and a skillful Nampa car accident lawyer can help you recover the damages you need to be financially secure for the rest of your life.

After being involved in a Nampa car accident, there are many details we will need to prove to win a settlement for the injuries and expenses you have endured. A Nampa car accident lawyer from our office will develop a case that clearly demonstrates both the other party’s fault and your need for financial compensation by covering all of the following points:

  • The other party breached his or her duty of care to you by acting negligently or carelessly. For example, if the other driver was driving distracted by texting and failed to stop at a red traffic signal, this constitutes negligence.
  • Your injuries were caused by the other party’s actions. In other words, if it had not been for the other party’s negligence, you would not have suffered injuries or damages.
  • Evidence from medical experts and medical records proves you sustained damages as a result of the other party’s negligence.


What Types of Car Accident Damages Can I Recover?

You can recover compensation for any expenses and damages you have suffered as a result of your Nampa car accident when you file a claim or personal injury lawsuit. Some examples of damages that can be recovered include all of the following:

  • Doctor, hospital, and specialist medical bills
  • Medical treatments, current and future
  • Rehabilitation and physical therapy
  • Lost current and future income and wages
  • Lost insurance benefits
  • Emotional distress and pain and suffering
  • Loss of companionship
  • Wrongful death benefits if your loved one died in an accident
    • Loss of comfort
    • Loss of the deceased’s income
    • Funeral costs

There are many damages you may be entitled to under Idaho law. Your Nampa car accident lawyer can evaluate and value the full damages you are entitled to and determine the best course of action for your case.


A Nampa Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You

A Nampa car accident lawyer from Craig Swapp & Associates will be dedicated to helping you reach the best possible outcome for your case. Compassionate and dedicated, our firm has successfully settled cases for car accident victims just like you. We have earned the trust our clients place in us, having recovered millions of dollars worth of claims.

Contact Craig Swapp & Associates to schedule your free case evaluation by dialing 1-855-628-5050 or completing our form below. We will discuss a personalized plan, customizing your case to recover the monetary compensation you deserve.