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El trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT) puede reducir su calidad de vida todos los días. Por eso, usted merece una compensación, y un abogado de TEPT en Seattle puede ayudarlo a obtenerla.

Tener un mal día o sentirse un poco ansioso son experiencias totalmente normales de vez en cuando. Pero después de un accidente severo o traumático, es posible que le encuentra lidiando con un trauma emocional grave como un trastorno de estrés postraumático.

En estos casos, no hay razón por la que deba sufrir sin justicia financiera. Es por eso que nuestro equipo de Craig Swapp & Associates recomienda llamar a un abogado de TEPT en Seattle de nuestra oficina. Podemos presentar un reclamo contra la persona que causó su trauma para recuperar la compensación que merece.

¿Qué causa el desorden de estrés postraumático?

Es normal tener una reacción emocional ante una situación de alto estrés. Pero en algunos casos, si el incidente es lo suficientemente grave, podría ocasionar daños emocionales significativos, lo que llevaría al desarrollo del trastorno por estrés postraumático. Estos tipos de accidentes pueden variar ampliamente, lo que hace que casi cualquier tipo de víctima sea susceptible a este trastorno.

Algunos incidentes que pueden causar trastorno de estrés postraumático en Seattle incluyen los siguientes:

Your PTSD lawyer in Seattle will work to identify the cause of your emotional trauma because that will point us to who should be held liable for your damages.

How Does PTSD Affect Your Life?

Emotional and mental health are important, but they’re something many people ignore or take for granted until they’re compromised. Suffering emotional trauma can have a significant impact on your day-to-day life in a number of ways. And, often, these effects do much more than simply shake up your mental stability. In many cases, they lead to tangible losses.

For example, if you developed PTSD due to a car accident, it could impact your ability to do everyday tasks like drive to the grocery store or ride the bus. If you were attacked by a dog, it could lead to severe anxiety and panic every time an animal approaches you on the street. Suffering from such vulnerability on a daily basis can significantly decrease your quality of life.

Emotional trauma can also impact your ability to hold a steady job or maintain a healthy and happy relationship. Luckily, your Seattle PTSD claim lawyer can help you recover personal injury compensation to make up for these damages and give you a better chance of maintaining a happy and normal life.

Consult with a Seattle PTSD Attorney

If you’re struggling to get by after emotional trauma, our team at Craig Swapp & Associates wants you to know we understand what you’re going through, and we’re here to offer as much help as we can. We have extensive experience with cases involving PTSD, and we’ll provide you with the aggressive representation necessary to find justice for what you’ve endured.

Don’t wait to contact a Seattle PTSD lawyer about your accident and find out what you can do to recover the compensation you deserve. To schedule a free initial consultation with one of our team members, give us a call at our office at 1-800-404-9000. To request more information on what we do, fill out the online contact form at the bottom of the page.